CBD is an important non-psychoactive cannabinoid that has become the focus of recent medical interest. For those who seek the various benefits of cannabinoids without the added effects or considerations of THC, CBD is a good choice. It could provide clear-headed relief, assist in muscle recovery, and help regulate certain body systems relating to mood, inflammation, and metabolism.

However, many CBD connoisseurs and new customers want to know the difference between CBD derived from hemp and CBD from marijuana plants.

 Hemp CBD vs. Marijuana CBD

Hemp CBD

  • Derived from federally legal hemp plants
  • Legal in most states
  • Entourage with less than 0.3% THC

Marijuana CBD

  • Derived from state legal marijuana plants
  • Selectively legal
  • Entourage can include potentially high levels of THC


The Difference Between Hemp and Marijuana

Let’s start with the vital difference between hemp plants and marijuana plants.

Hemp Plants

Cannabis sativa grows naturally into a strong, fibrous plant that is used in textiles to make hemp. This natural plant grown as a textile crop is high in CBD and has a relatively low amount of natural THC in the flowers or stem. For hemp to be legally not marijuana in the United States, it must have less than 0.3% THC in dry weight. However, it can have as much CBD as the plant can produce, naturally or helped.

The average natural CBD percentage in hemp ranges between 3% and 20%, and can be extracted from the flowers or oils in the stems and roots.

Marijuana Plants

Marijuana is what happens when you separate the male and female hemp plants. When pollen from the male plants reaches female flowers, the flowers halt THC production to make seeds. Therefore, preventing pollination results in larger, denser, and more THC-rich flowers. Over time, strains that make more satisfying flowers and higher percentage THC are cultivated to create the commercial strains we know today.

Marijuana cultivation is only permitted 37 states for medical or recreational purposes, and features an average of 11%-26% THC. The average CBD amount in marijuana varies, and can be as little as trace amounts or as high as 20% from dry weight.


CBD from Hemp

CBD from hemp is extracted from plants that are grown according to the Farm Bill of 2018, which permits the industrial growth of cannabis sativa plants provided that the natural THC content is lower than 0.3%.

It is safe to enjoy full-spectrum CBD oil from hemp due to it’s guaranteed low THC content. This ensures that your hemp CBD products are nationally legal to possess and even to carry over state lines.


CBD from Marijuana

CBD from marijuana is CBD-featured products derived from marijuana-grown cannabis sativa plants. These plants will have naturally higher THC content and often are marketed as 50/50 CBD to THC, meaning their percentages are roughly the same. Most CBD products derived from marijuana are more likely to contain significant quantities of both cannabinoids, and should not be taken over state lines. Ten states have fully banned CBD derived from marijuana.

Full-spectrum CBD products from marijuana should be considered potentially psychoactive, and should not be combined with work, driving, or operating heavy machinery. However, many athletes prefer marijuana CBD.


CBD Isolate from Hemp or Marijuana

CBD isolate is a different story. CBD isolate is just CBD, with everything else removed including all terpenes, flavonoids, and every trace of THC. CBD isolate is federally legal and contains no psychoactive properties or entourage effect. CBD isolate is identical no matter what plant type it comes from. However, isolate from marijuana CBD may technically be illegal in those ten states.


What is the Difference Between Hemp CBD vs. Marijuana CBD

The difference between hemp CBD and marijuana CBD is where it comes from, where it’s legal, and how much THC is likely to be found in the product.

For more information about the different types of CBD available, contact Transformative Health today using the form below. 

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